Game Reports
City gaming enables new knowledge to emerge, while helping players share their ideas and experiences. We report game sessions as concise advice documents. Game reports often feed into policy and strategy documents of our partners.
Play Marmara Sea
“Play Marmara “Sea” directly contributed to the 14th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) “Conservation and sustainable use of oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable de- velopment”. It is also valuable in that it creates synergies with other purposes such as resilient infrastructures (SDG 9), sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11) and partnerships for sustainable development (SDG 17) by ad- dressing human activities on a regional scale to protect aquatic life.”

Project report, Marmara Urban Forum -MARUF, 2021
Play the Koepel 2020
"Sinds 2014 is de Koepel in Breda niet meer in gebruik als gevangenis. Het Koepelcomplex heeft daarna twee jaar dienst gedaan als asielzoekersopvang en vervolgens als evenementenlocatie en tijdelijke kantoorruimte. Nu is het tijd voor een nieuw hoofdstuk in het Koepelverhaal. Het Rijksvastgoedbedrijf, de huidige eigenaar van het Koepelcomplex, zoekt een nieuwe eigenaar voor het complex. Het gaat om een gebied van 3,3 hectare. Dat is ongeveer vijf voetbalvelden groot. Binnen de gevangenismuren zijn onder andere de Koepelgevangenis uit 1886, de oude rechtbank, een vrouwengevangenis, luchtplaatsen, sportvelden en verschillende werkplaatsen te vinden."

Project report, Play the Koepel 2020
Spel Reigersbos 2020
“Ik [Ittje Feddes, de landschapsarchitect] heb aan de bewoners een paar van de oude plannen laten zien. Toen was de buurt eigenlijk veel groener. Vanavond hoorde ik van jullie vele mooie initiatieven: fruitbomen, muziektuinen, hagen planten achter de schutting. Als je op buurt niveau algemene vergroening zou kunnen maken, dat zou kwaliteit enorm verbeteren.”

Visual project report, Spel Reigersbos, Work session ‘Public Green’ 2020
Spel Reigersbos 2019 December
“Ling-Kong denkt aan een Kangoeroewoning waar ze met haar moeder kan wonen. Een combinatie van twee [zelfstandige] woningen onder een dak. Op de locatie van de oude garage achter de winkelcentrum kunnen Kangoeroewoningen en andere woonvormen plaatsvinden, bijvoorbeeld in een middelhoog gebouw met een binnentuin. Dit gebouw zou als buurthuis ook kunnen functioneren.”

Visual project report, Spel Reigersbos, Work session ‘Housing’ 2019
Spel Reigersbos 2019, November
“De Brandweer Kazerne wordt getransformeerd tot een bruisende broedplaats voor creatieven en een buurthuis. 7 van de 13 activiteiten vandaag voorgesteld waren bedoeld om in de Kazerne te gebeuren. De enthousiaste deelnemers willen graag een vervolg van hun acties binnenkort zien gebeuren. Wat zal de volgende stap zijn?”

Visual project report, Spel Reigersbos, Work session ‘Activities’ 2019
Network of Games 2020
“Network of Games connects city strategy games by linking data behind these games. This is a digital infrastructure that aims to inform integrated city-making. Creating an environment where individual games can be linked to one another will result in an ecology of games which can enrich themselves as well as support more complex city development debate. ”

Research Plan, Network of Games 2019-2020
Play Marmara 2019
“The last ambitious efforts for planning the Istanbul Metropolitan Area date back to 2005. When structuring a large and complex urban system at a metropolitan scale, authorities and experts already recognized the necessity for national and regional scale planning. Recently, Turkey has been developing national spatial planning agendas. Issues on economy, transport, ecology, natural disasters, coastal zones, and ecological areas call for an integrated approach at a regional scale. Aside from planning frameworks, regional data and multi-level governance, are the challenges for such ambitions.”

Project report, Play Marmara, 2019
Affordable Housing, Ams 2018
“Amsterdam has always been ambitious about its urban development. With 80 per cent of land owned by the city, Amsterdam has been able to establish a strong tradition of high-quality planning. Since the beginning of the last century, the city has focused on developing social housing on a large scale. In recent years, strong economic growth has made the city a magnet for residents and businesses; and the number of people living and working in the city has never been higher. The dark side of this success is a booming real estate industry, rising prices, and increasing segregation. The city’s tradition of inclusiveness is under threat.”

Project report, Affordable Housing Game Amsterdam, 2018
Affordable Housing, Dublin 2018
“This event followed on from a similar meeting on affordable housing held earlier this year. Looking at the reports on each event, it’s clear that there is a large degree of overlap in the policy solutions that emerged from the two sessions. Participants in both sessions came up with proposals that sought to address the high cost of land, that acknowledged the need to respond to the changing nature of housing demand, and that recognised the importance of fostering sustainable communities. It is notable how participants on 18 October reached consensus on the idea that affordable housing should be linked to household income, whereas in the earlier event each policy proposal was based on varying definitions of affordability.”

Project report, Affordable Housing Game Dublin, October 2017
Affordable Housing, Dublin 2017
“Housing affordability is a simple idea: it is a measure of whether households can afford to rent or buy a home on their income. Though the concept is straightforward, delivering housing that is affordable has proved challenging in Ireland. As in many other countries, it has become increasingly difficult in recent years for households to obtain accommodation in many parts of Ireland, most notably Dublin, Cork, and Galway. Responding to the affordability challenge facing households is a core objective of Ireland’s housing policy. Housing affordability is also central to the Irish Housing Agency’s vision to enable everyone to live in good-quality, affordable homes in sustainable communities.”

Project report, Affordable Housing Game Dublin, June 2017
Ontdek Overvecht 2017
“With 80 new residents per week, Utrecht is the fastest growing city of the Netherlands and is among the top 10 in Europe. Overvecht, a postwar settlement with a 60% migrant population and 72% social housing stock, is the ultimate arrival town in Utrecht. While Overvecht enjoys a large amount of cultural diversity and a mix of support systems aimed at a diverse residential base, it is also in need of further measures. Ontdek Overvecht is an experiment for an integrated approach to social and spatial issues in Overvecht.”

Short reports, twenty-four Ontdek Overvecht sessions 2017-2018
Play Khayelitsha 2015
“With almost 15 000 commuters boarding the train from Khayelitsha station every day, the future development of the townships center is a crucial discussion. Play Khayelitsha focuses on facilitating this discussion in a collaborative way, working towards how to capitalise on the strategic location of the site while at the same time provide a safer, pedestrian-friendly environment. On the 20th of November 2015 a follow up Play Khayelitsha session took place at the Zenzele Training Centre in Cape Town, South Africa. This report informs you on the public discussions held by stakeholders during this work session.”

Project report, Play Khayelitsha Meeting Outcomes, 2015
Play Buiksloterham 2015
“On Thursday November 26, 2015, around thirty stakeholders involved in the (re)development of Buiksloterham (BSH) – a brownfield transformation and regeneration project in the northern part of Amsterdam –assembled in Pakhuis de Zwijger, to play the Circular Buiksloterhamgame sesion. In March 2014 many of these stakeholders signed the Manifesto for a Circular Buiksloterham, stating their commitment to developing Buiksloterham according to the principles of a ‘circular economy’. This City Innovation Game is developed by Play the City in cooperation with The Hackable City, Pakhuis de Zwijger, and Stadslab Buiksloterham.”

Project report, Circular Buiksloterham, 2015
Play Khayelitsha 2014
“The urgency for open conversation and decision-making in Cape Town points at the shift former US president Barrack Obama calls for: conflicting interests between political parties, community leaders, city officials, investors and developers are particularly evident in the urban development debate of Cape Town. For the city to develop coherently, a shared conversation needs to emerge from these various narratives. Methods supporting the collaboration of isolated parties need to be explored.”

Project report, three Play Khayelitsha meeting outcomes, 2014
Play Noord 2012
“In October 2011, first three Play Noord sessions took place in the Information Center of Overhoeks of the ING real estate. As the debate on Amsterdam’s northern riverfront continued, a follow up session has been organized with existing and new engaged players. This report informs you on the public discussion held by stakeholders during the 2012 Play Noord meeting.”

Project report, Play Noord Meeting outcomes, 2012